The Cafe Aphra Baristas

The original Aphraites were a small group of busy people who write. We set up Cafe Aphra after meeting each other on a five-day Arvon Foundation course at Moniack Mhor in the Scottish Highlands. Aspiring and like-minded writers, we wanted to create a friendly and inclusive community where others who also write could come together as we have done to: support one another, showcase our work, fire our imaginations, offer supportive and constructive critiques, and share and understand our writing experiences, joys, and challenges.

Founding members:

Despite knowing with confidence that I wanted 'to write stories for children' from the age of seven, I still felt the need to try out - at least mentally - other ambitions first (pop star, singer, actress, astronaut...). As an adult I have worked as lots of things including teacher, journalist, radio presenter and translator. Finally, I have returned to my original idea and taken up writing stories again.
I am like many others: A mid-thirties mother of two primary school girls who works part time, trying to write my second novel.
I have worked as a journalist, a psychologist, a fiddle teacher, and university researcher. For many years I dabbled in the dark arts known as public relations, before circumstances and three sons redirected my career. Articles and press releases I can casually throw off - now, at last, the time for real writing has arrived.
I've worked in different capacities - a school teacher, an academic, a research consultant - but the thing I love, really love, is writing. I'm partway through my second novel and I'm at my happiest with a pen in my hand and ink on my fingers.

Associate members:

Dale, Pauline, Becca, Tina, Leona, Liz, Barbara

Baristas currently on duty:

Sara, Barbara and Chad 

About Barbara: 

Ever since I wrote my first story with the promising title of "The King's Children - Heroes of the Wild West" at the age of 7, I knew that making up stories was more than a passion, it was a calling. Yet, it still took two decades till I dared to try and recreate my early successes and take writing to a more serious level. In between I've dedicated my creative energy to jobs such as being an editor for a TV show, a language teacher and a translator. After finishing my first novel in German I am now working on my second novel, this time in English.

About Chad:

My journey has been wide-reaching, from banking to education, with random side jobs like waiter, cashier and camp counsellor in between.  Through it all, I have always pondered stories, those that I had read in my youth or those that were in my heart and head, waiting for a voice.  Then, a few years ago, I made a commitment to put them to paper.  By trade, I am an English teacher, but most importantly, the proud father of two rambunctious young sons.  And I am a writer, hoping to stir readers and somehow, even in the slightest way, make a change for the better.

Welcome to Cafe Aphra! Grab a coffee, take a seat and join in...


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