Cafe Aphra November Challenge!

So it's that time of year again......

......  as I was reminded at the weekend, when I went for lunch with some friends and saw that the table next to us had been reserved for a NaNoWriMo "Write-In" group!

Yes, November is here again.

Some of us will be taking up the annual NaNoWriMo challenge, but some of us may feel that we just don't have enough time, headspace or energy to turn out 50,000 words or more in 30 days. 

If that is the case for you, and you fancy something a bit more personal and tailor-made, or just not quite so much pressure, then why don't you take us up this year on our annual Cafe Aphra November Challenge?

Here's how it works: 

YOU get to choose what you want your writing challenge to be for this month. 

You set your own goal, whether it is a daily wordcount, an overall wordcount to reach by the end of the month, or simply a writing project you want to get FINISHED by 30th November. 

Sometimes we all need deadlines to motivate us to get it done, and here is a perfect opportunity. :)

What do YOU want to achieve in your writing by the end of November?

If you feel like taking part and fancy having a bit of support along the way, post your personal Cafe Aphra November Challenge as a comment below, and we will chivvy you and cheer you along every step of your journey! 

Keep us posted as to your progress and we can all support each other.

Good luck and good writing!


  1. One piece of flash each week, inspired by real life events.

    1. Brilliant goal, I love it. Feels manageable but also like it would be really satisfying to have so many pieces of work completed at least in first draft by the end of the month! Nice one. Look forward to reading some of those. :)

  2. I aim to draft five scenes that I need to complete the first draft of my work-in-progress.

    1. Great idea. I think first drafts without too much pressure are a good way to start and I agree with you that it's often more helpful to think about a novel in terms of 'scenes' almost as if it were a play.

  3. I want to finish a children's novella that I wrote years ago and get it printed out, complete with illustrations, bound as a book, and hold it in my hand!

  4. I want to finish the first draft of my novel 'Brut'

  5. Wow, lovely to see this goal here, Kevin, I can totally relate to that feeling! How much roughly do you think you've you got to go? (i.e. Do you feel that you're halfway through currently, less than that, more than that? Though I always find it hard to know, myself, when I'm actually in it...)

  6. If not write 50,000 words I at least want to edit/change/delete(!) 50,000. Getting there with the billionth draft of my novel - maybe this will be the one! (sure I've said that before). Luckily have just emerged from a long dry period so am confident it is do-able. Good luck to everyone. TS

  7. How did we all do on our November writing challenges, then? Anybody feel happy with what they achieved last month? I finished the second draft of my children's novella, but still working on the 'getting it printed and bound' bit!


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