Y is for Yearning
“The only end of writing is to enable the
readers better to enjoy life, or better to endure it.”
Samuel Johnson
Yearning lies at the heart of why we write. We
yearn to create an alternative world, one which, if we're honest, we'd rather
spend time in than anywhere else. We yearn to live as different people,
achievable through our characters. We yearn to tell stories as a way of making
sense of the world or maybe even to feel we have control over things in some
small way, the prime movers of our fictional universes. Believing we have
something to say we yearn for our voice to be heard. There are many other
reasons people write, for catharsis, a way of dealing with traumatic events, as
a way to preserve memories, but I believe it's yearning that drives a writer
most strongly, that fires up that need to get to our desks and into our work.
In the heart of a reader lies a similar
yearning. Readers yearn for escape. They yearn to become someone else, to
experience life from different perspectives. Readers yearn for order, meaning,
resolutions, comeuppances, promises fulfilled, all those things real life
doesn't provide, at least never in the way that's hoped for or expected.
When we open a novel we're asking the writer to
take us on a journey, to spirit us away. We're asking to be introduced to
characters we want to become as real to us as members of our own family.
Sometimes we long to see a side of ourselves reflected in those characters and
while that isn't always a comfortable experience, when it happens it deepens
our connection to those people and the skilful writer who created them. We
aren't always seeking a story with a big white wedding at its climax, but often
one which leaves us with a sense of hope and with the satisfaction that every
scene was leading up to that showdown, that tearful confession, that murderer's
unmasking. Everything in a novel, every event, every line of dialogue, has a
purpose. How alluring, reassuring, when life so often feels like nothing more
than a string of random occurrences.
Consumed by the nuts and bolts of writing,
spelling and grammar rules, the structuring of sentences, word choices, it's
easy to lose sight of our work as being created to have a life beyond our
desks, a life in the mind of a reader. But if we're serious about publication
this is exactly what we're striving, yearning, for. It can be daunting, too
daunting at the tentative first draft stage, to consider readers with their
sophistication and sharp minds, but it's important and it can be exciting. What
writer wouldn't be greatly encouraged and inspired by the thought of his or her
work speaking to the heart of even just one reader?
That in creating we can fulfil our fantasises
and in turn fulfil those of a reader is surely one of writing's greatest
rewards. It may take years of yearning to reach the point where we're
accomplished enough as a writer to inspire in a reader everything we feel
reading writers we admire, the sense of being transported, identification with
a character because we see ourselves in them, the joy of savouring a stunning
piece of description or a striking image. What could be more worthwhile?
Zoe White
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