The Write Place
As well as working out what to write, why we want to write it and how and when we’re going to do so – which is no small feat in itself – we also need to decide where to write. This may seem the least difficult item on this list, but for many people finding a place to write is a constant challenge. I heard of one established writer who opted for living on a houseboat with his family. Personally I can think of few things less conducive to writing than living on a houseboat with one’s family, but there you go. One friend of Cafe Aphra told me recently that she has taken to sitting in her car during her lunchbreak at work and scribbling down whatever she can in her notebook between bites of her sandwich. Personally, I have found airport departure lounges to be unparalleled spots for writing. Bizarre, perhaps, but true. So what are the most important characteristics of a good writing spot? For me, they would probably be: light, calm, space, a view and other people in...